
A conceptual app design

JustBecause is a gift giving app that brings people together. JustBecause aims to ease and customize the shopping experience for those special occasions or for those that just love to shop.

6 weeks

My Role
Founder & UX/UI Lead
Daijea Fuller-UX/UI Designer
User Interviews
Usability Tests
Competitive & Comparative Analysis
Persona Development 
Affinity Mapping

The Challenge
While more people are working remotely, there is an increasing need to hold onto social connections and relationships we’ve made in person at the workplace, volunteering, networking events. There is also a need to deepen those new relationships. Some of those bonds may be close of enough that you would like to send a person a gift but not close enough you have that person’s address.

The Project Goal
Bridge the gap by providing a way for people to send gifts and letters to friends, coworkers, and acquaintances without needing to know the receiver's address.
The Current Flow

The Current Flow

Meet Bex & Jamie

Problem Statement​
“I need a tool that provides a simple way to brighten others days with gifts because gift giving is my love language”
How Might We...
Provide a simple way for Bex to express her love for gift giving?
Problem Statement
“I want a tool that that lessens the stress of sudden and frequent gift shopping.”
How Might We..
Ease the stress on shopping for several occasions?
The ideas
Here is where the magic begins to happen. ​
Since we wanted the app to encourage relationships, customize the user's shopping experience and wanted it to feel warm and welcoming, we came up with ideas such as an onboarding questionnaire to get to know the user better. Those ideas included implementing a friend code that allowed users to connect with others that already signed up, showcasing gift lists and one of my favorite parts of the app, the charming JustBecause logo I designed.
Trying it out
Since this app was not an idea we had already seen in the market, we were more than excited to receive feedback.  This is how the first round of usability tests went.
•Users felt like some of the answers on the onboarding questionnaire seemed redundant
•Users wanted separate options rather than answers grouped together

•Users wanted additional options-ie baby shower, housewarming etc when answering the question "What Holidays and/or events do you celebrate?"
•Users were confused as to how to get a friend code

•Users wanted to see product reviews

•Users wanted to know what vendor was selling the item

•Users wanted larger font

•Users thought the add a friend  option would make better since with a “plus” sign
After taking that feedback and making iterations it was time for the "final" design. 
Next Steps
After conducting and receiving feedback from 6 usability tests for the hi-fidelity below is what will be iterated for the next round of testing.

•Include terms & conditions since user profiles can be made public and shown to accounts that users have connected with 

•Make it clear that multiple options can be selected for each quiz question

•Include product detail

•Change toggles on notification and "connect accounts" screen to be more familiar

•Add upcoming birthdays of user's connections to landing page

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